Sunday 15 February 2015

16 days since my first whole30 - and something else!

Well, I'm not back at exactly where I was before I began. But I'm definitely not eating as well as I was during the whole30. I miss it. I know, you're probably thinking "why don't you just eat better?". I don't know. Lack of self-control maybe. But ON whole30, I had total self-control. I must figure this out.

This morning, I had an almost whole30 compliant breakfast. The only thing that wasn't compliant was my coffee. I had added a teaspoon of sugar and a bit of milk to it. The coffee at home isn't as good as the one I drink black at work.

I'm getting moody again. Tired again. Heartburn again. Not as bad as BW30 (before whole30). I miss the good meals. Ridiculous, I know. I should just eat the way I was eating which was making me happy and satisfied. OK, I will! Enough! Right?

Something else
I'm also trying something that I think might be life changing. I have read many online posts and a few books on cleaning and organizing. I have applied some of the things I've learned, but I still have much to improve upon.

I've also met someone who has inspired me with his blog. His blog is called The Month Project. So for a month, he picks something new to try which he works at every day for the month and then writes about the experience. Totally cool, right? Well I think so! By doing that, he's definitely growing and learning. There is no way he'll be the same man next year as he is now. That inspires me!

I strongly believe that the people we meet in life help us learn and grow. Whether we (or they) realize it or not. Whether the experience is good or not.

The Whole30 got me started this year on the right foot. So here is what I'm planning now that is not food related...

Every day until the end of the year, I want to get rid of 1 item in my home. I've been bothered with clutter in my house. I hate it. I'm not a hoarder. Not even close. But things could be better. And if I can let go of enough stuff before my next move, it will be that much cheaper to move. I've met a few people (mostly men) who lived with what I consider to be the bare minimum in their homes. Some didn't even own a kettle to boil water. They used a regular pot instead. And why not? Right? A kettle is more convenient and socially expected. However, a regular pot does the job. Not that I'm planning on getting rid of my kettle, but I have so many other things I can do without. My basement is full of things that I haven't touched since I've moved into this house over a year ago. Heck, I hadn't even touched most of those things BEFORE moving. So why did I bother bringing them with me?!?

I'm still trying to figure out the exact details. What I've considered so far is to get a box (or bag) and every day I will pick one thing to put in it that I will then donate when the box/bag is full. 

Today, I will start by getting rid of that one bag that is already filled with clothes to donate.

That means that I will get rid of at least 318 things by the end of the year! Woah!