Thursday 22 January 2015

Day 21 and 22 – Losing momentum… mentally

OK, so it appears as though I’m losing momentum with the blogging. I’m tired! But not a physical tired. Mentally tired. So many things going on around me that are affecting me. But they're all things beyond my control. I just have to learn to let go of feeling responsible for other people’s lives.

I’m also starting to feel tired over preparing all of my meals from scratch. I was so far from that before Whole 30. I’ve been making pretty much ALL of my meals (except for 4) myself. That’s 62 meals! I used to order out about 5 evenings a week and would buy my breakfast and lunches at work. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of myself over it. But I’m also getting tired. Basically, I went from being fed to feeding myself.

At lunch today, we were discussing relationships and all. I’m the only one from my work buddies who is still single. Well, to my surprise, they were saying that I’m somewhat intimidating. That men probably wouldn’t approach me because I’m too pretty and they probably think I must already be taken or that I would reject them. And that if they dare approach me and get to know me, they realize that I’m “too good” for them. That they’d never be the man I deserve. (This was coming from three friends: two female and one male.) If this is true, that is so odd to me! Here I am, somewhat struggling with self-esteem issues, but I’m projecting strength, confidence, and beauty? Go figure!

So I went on the date tonight. It was lovely! We met up at 8. The first time we looked at the clock, it was 9:46. The conversation was easy. I love that! I wanted to cancel the date tonight. But boy am I ever happy I went! I don't know if I'll see him again. But regardless, it was a lovely evening!

Day 21

Breakfast: hash of leftover steak and roasted vegetables topped with an egg over easy.

Lunch: pork Italian sausage over zoodles, and olives

Supper: 2 scrambled eggs and bacon, and a pomelo

Day 22

Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, a banana, a handful of pistachios, and a black coffee

Lunch: leftover pork Italian sausage, bacon, cucumbers, and an apple.

Supper: deconstructed cabbage roll, and prunes

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